Risorse Ambientali
 Musei, Palazzi storici e Aree Archeologiche

Museums and historical Palaces
In the territory of Valdicecina, there are numerous museums where important evidences of the historical, archaeological and artistic heritage are preserved. The most important museums are focused in the city of Volterra, which has always been the main economic and cultural centre of the area: the Etrurian Museum, the Art Gallery and the Museum of Sacred Arts. In addition to the actual museums, there are also some historical palaces, such as for example the Viti Palace and the Inghirami Palace of Volterra.

Archaeological sites
In Valdicecina there are numerous archaeological sites that document the history of the territory. The most important ones are located in Volterra: the Acropolis, the Roman theatre, the necropolis and the Etrurian walls. Many other Etrurian tombs can be visited in different parts of the Valley. In addition, an interesting Etrurian thermal bath has been excavated in Sasso Pisano.

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  Musei, Palazzi storici e Aree Archeologiche
 Museo Guarnacci
 Pinacoteca di Volterra
 Museo di Arte Sacra di Volterra
 Ecomuseo dell'Alabastro
 Museo delle miniere
 Museo della Geotermia
 Palazzo Viti
 Palazzo Inghirami
 Palazzo Bicocchi
 Acropoli di Volterra
 Teatro romano di Volterra
 Tombe etrusche dei Marmini
 Terme del Bagnone
 Buca delle Fate
Cartografia Valdicecina

Comunità Montana Alta Val di Cecina © 2008. Vietata la riproduzione anche parziale.
Realizzato con il contributo di Regione Toscana, Provincia di Pisa, Comunità Montana Alta Val di Cecina