Risorse Ambientali
 Insediamenti industriali storici
Historical industrial settlements
Valle di Cecina experienced a strong industrial boost from the second half of the eighteenth century until the first decades of the last century. This is witnessed by the numerous ruins of mines, factories and infrastructures of various kind. Indeed, this area has always been one of the richest in terms of mineral deposits, exploited since the Etrurian age. The inhabited centres of Larderello and the Salt mines of Volterra were originally industrial villages connected to the factories where the inhabitants where working.

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  Insediamenti industriali storici
 Saline di Volterra
 Casino di Terra
 Lagoni Rossi
Cartografia Valdicecina

Comunità Montana Alta Val di Cecina © 2008. Vietata la riproduzione anche parziale.
Realizzato con il contributo di Regione Toscana, Provincia di Pisa, Comunità Montana Alta Val di Cecina